Felling trees is relatively easy, but when it comes to stump removal; one can get “stumped”. On many occasions, the roots are firmly fixed into the ground and will need considerable strength in its removal. There is however some time tested techniques that work to eliminate the stump easily and quickly.
Why remove stumps?
Well, for starters, they are not very appealing visually plus they consume precious space in the yard. The free space after removing them can be used for other construction or even for planting something else. Vegetation can grow on them if they are left for a long time which will become a real eyesore in the garden.
Technique 1 – By hand
If the stumps are small and have rotted to a great degree, then pulling it out by hand will not be very difficult. One will of course need tools such as digging bar, chainsaw, Axe, a certain length of chain and a vehicle to help pull and transport the stump.
Some stumps will give in easily and others that seem rotten on the outside may still not give so easily because their roots might have spread to great distances under the ground. In such a case the roots need to be pried first to loosen them and then they can be pulled out.
Technique 2 – Grinding
This technique is better left to professionals only. Amateurs should not try this under any circumstances. It involves using a special grinder that may be difficult to use by amateurs. First the roots are axed and all debris and obstacles around the stump cleared, then a chain saw is used to make the stump as short as possible before grinding.
Technique 3- Burning
This is also a simple procedure provided one knows the method well. Do not assume that the stump is simply lit up and burnt. Holes need to be dug up around the area where the old tree stood and then they are filled up with potassium nitrate followed by water to facilitate absorption of chemicals. Then some pieces of scrap wood are placed on top before igniting. All the debris is cleared after the stump has fully burnt away and if you wish to grow fresh plants over it, you can do so or go ahead with any construction over the area.
Technique 4 – Chemicals
This procedure is somewhat similar to burning where holes are dug up and they are filled with potassium nitrate and water. However, in this case here is no ignition, but the chemical is left as such for a period of one month after which you will notice that the stump has become absolutely spongy and then it can easily be torn or cut using an Axe.
One can in addition to the chemical also add kerosene and wait for a few more days if the stump is very thick and strong. Alternatively, it can also be burnt and then all debris can be removed much more easily.
There are many service providers who offer equipments for rent and also their professional staff who can remove the roots and stump at a nominal cost. All you need to do is search online and you are sure to get plenty of options or click here know more about stump removal.