Podiatry, allied to medicine, is the specialist area in the healthcare industry. It involves caring and maintaining lower limb and foot in good health condition. Podiatrist aims at improving mobility, independence and quality of life of a patient. He can also treat all health conditions related to the foot.
Doctor in Podiatry field is highly trained and specialized in feet care. He is concerned with diagnosis, examination and prevention of any disorders related to feet. Mechanical, surgical and other means of treatment procedures are used. Other health care professionals and physicians may need the help of a podiatrist for consultation and treat problems associated with foot, especially in case of seniors and children.
Who do podiatry benefits?
Anyone with hurt or problems in feet may require support of a podiatrist. Such foot problems can be prevented by taking regular podiatry health check-up.
Podiatry functions as an integral part in examination of children’s feet. This is because most of the children experience a structural imbalance of feet, which if not recognized, then it may lead to deformities or imbalances in the skeletal system. But when the condition is detected at an early stage, it becomes easily possible to treat the condition and prevent from any serious impacts.
On another end, this treatment procedure is of core importance and seriously required by seniors, who are prone to often get foot problems. Such issues may include anything right from the routine palliative care of calluses, unmanageable toenails to infection and diabetic ulceration. At this condition, degenerative joint, circulatory impairment and related skin problems are common to arise. However, with proper attention and the right treatment, seniors can enjoy pain-free foot and lead regular life without any trouble.
Why one approach should register podiatrist?
All formally educated, trained and experienced podiatrists must be registered with the state and have proper certification that states that the professionals are recognized for providing right and safe treatment. Only practitioners fulfilled criteria for registration with HPC use podiatrist title.
Becoming a podiatrist:
To become a qualified podiatrist, one must have undergone eight years of university level education in related streams. Most of the candidates entering into this medicine hold a Bachelor of Science or any higher degree in science. Besides, they must also have achieved the required results in medical school entrance examination, which is known as Medical College Aptitude Test that is specially designed for medical practitioners. Podiatry course will take four years and it must be undergone in an accredited college of Podiatric Medicine. During this course period, students will study basic medical sciences, disorders affecting feet and other types of treatment procedures. These medical courses are associated with clinical training in hospitals and universities. On completion, graduates will obtain degree certification of “Doctor of Podiatric Medicine”. There are also comprehensive board exams and provincial licensing examinations to be passed to practice as a licensed podiatrist in a recognized health care organization or hospital.
Podiatrists who are willing to proceed with advanced post graduate training in surgery and orthopedics can undergo internship for a residency that are performed in private clinics and hospitals. In addition to it, to continue education courses, professionals can proceed with many advanced courses and training.
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