Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How Would You Choose Best Quality Soil Supplies?

There is no fixed guideline or law to determine the contents of the soil. When you choose the soil supplies, they can provide you some rocky, full of debris, chunky or crumbly or can be smooth loam soils. It is therefore advisable to take a look at the actual product before buying it.

5 Tips On Purchasing The Best Quality Soil Supplies:

Soil Supplies
Soil Supplies
  • Evaluate your soil supplies- While you go to purchase soil supplies from any company, check the quality of your soil at any local cooperative extension service. The report will give you ample information on the texture of the soil, its pH value, and its mineral composition. If you see that your plants are growing well in the soil, then you do not need to replace the soil. If you notice they are languishing, becoming yellowish or looking sickly, then you must go for the soil test. Only after getting the reports, you can take the necessary steps to fertilize the soil. You can consult with the best soil suppliers in this regard and they can help you to choose the best quality soils for your landscape areas.
  • Check the pH value- If the soil test shows that your soil has less pH value, then do not forget to add lime to make it more alkaline or add Sulphur to increase its acidity. Soil pH is important because plants cannot thrive naturally unless the soil supplies have an ideal level of pH. You should not apply more than 5 pounds of lime or Sulphur for every 100 sq feet of your garden. After applying the required amount of lime or sulfur, dig the garden thoroughly. You should check the soil pH after every 2 years as lime or sulfur needs to be replenished. Vegetables grow in slightly more acidic soil.
    Soil Supplies
    Soil Supplies
  • Check the soil texture and Add organic matter if necessary - you must be sure that the soil supplies you will purchase have proper soil texture or not. It is important for soils to be well aerated to allow plants to breathe and take up moisture and air. Clayey soils retain too much moisture causing roots to break down while sandy soils drain too quickly and roots find it difficult to absorb moisture. The best soil type is one which is neither too sticky nor loose like sand. The soil texture can be improved by adding organic material such as compost, manure, peat moss, etc. Adding decaying organic matter or humus will make your soil supplies fertile. It also encourages microbial activities in the soil.
  • Nutrients- You’re purchased soil supplies should have at least 3 necessary nutrients. Potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Check-in what ratio and quantity are these nutrients present. Apart from these, plants require chemical nutrients as well. A poor soil test indicates that the soil has to be enriched by adding chemical fertilizers to it. Mostly a balanced fertilizer is to be used which contains equal proportions of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Inorganic fertilizers act more quickly than organic ones.
  • Other characteristics- Topsoil and compost of standard quality will have no foul smell besides having a rich earthy smell. Make sure the compost you are buying is not coarse or chunky. It should be loose and crumbly.
 Sandy loam is ideal for garden soil. It consists of sandy and clayey soil in balanced proportions. It is dark in color, loose and crumbly and well aerated. It holds moisture long enough for plants to absorb it but not too long to let the roots soak in stagnant water. So to prepare your landscape, you need to choose the best quality soil and you can contact your nearby soil supplies in this regard.