Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Factors To Consider When Choosing The Right Boom Gate Suppliers

Boom gates have commonly been installed at tolls, entrances of parking lots and checkpoints. However, in the last couple of years, their use has been seen at other locations as well, such as residential colonies and industries amongst others. These gates can be quickly installed and are automatic, which enhance the ease of accessibility and functioning. With recent technological advancements, operating these gates has become even simpler.

If you plan to install one, you must first find the right boom gate supplier. To help you with it, we have listed some of the factors that you must consider before hiring one.

  • Application of the Gate

The first thing you must identify is the purpose and application of the gate. Without getting a clear picture on that gate designs and sizes , you wouldn’t be able to make the right decision. If you are installing one at a parking lot, you wouldn’t require it to be of very high quality since the chances of a driver bumping their car into it is low. However, when it comes to their installation in industries where there is regular movement of heavy vehicle and the area is to be secured, you must go with the one that can bear vehicles running right into it.

Boom Gate Suppliers

  • Size of the Gate

Another important factor is the size of the gate. This depends on the area of the entrance that is to be secured. Generally, people go with lengths of 3m or 6m but in the case of industries and rail crossings, the length of the pole can increase to 12m. Not all boom gate suppliers manufacture gates of upto 12m length since a heavy motor is to be used. Therefore, choose the supplier that manufactures the boom gate as per your requirement and has a credible record.

  • Frequency

The frequency of the gate has to be identified before the installation  to ensure that the right features are embedded into it. Including the height and width of the gate. For instance, a gate that’s installed in a high traffic area will operate more frequently than one that’s installed in a low traffic area. In the case of high traffic areas, it’s recommended that you go with heavy-duty gates.

  • Features

There are various features that can be added to boom gates and one must identify beforehand the ones they want to add. For instance, we now have solar-powered gates that help save a lot on power bills in the long run. Also, we have boom gates that have battery backup and will function even in times of power cuts. Hence, you must identify the features that you want to add, share the same with the boom gate supplier and verify if they can provide them.

  • Cost

All the factors discussed above influence the cost of the gate. A larger gate will be more expensive than one that is small. Adding battery backup will increase the cost. So, you must first create a budget, list of the features that you want and then see verify if they can all be accumulated in the set budget. If not, either you will have to expand the budget or strike a few features off the list. Although, we recommend going with the best gates, since they are a one-time investment and enhance the security by a great deal.

Now that we have discussed the factors to be considered when hiring a boom gate supplier, you must have a fair understanding of them. Do remember to make a decision based on the collective consideration of all the factors and not go with just a few. To get an idea of the market rate, get in touch with a few boom gate suppliers and ask for quotations.