Many people have suffered pain in the neck and it has become very common among working people. People take pain killers to relieve themselves from the agony but will have to seek a doctor when the pain gets intense. Hence it's wise to visit a doctor when the neck pain has just begun. The condition might get severe if the pain gets worst. People need to relax their muscles as physical and emotional stress could cause pain in their necks. The condition could turn into a chronic problem if not treated for a month.
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Neck Pain |
- Herniated cervical disc
The herniated cervical disc is the most common cause of neck ache that’s caused lasting pain. As people age, the discs that are existing in the spine start to lose their flexibility, and the ligament that surrounds it tends to get weak. When people have a herniated cervical disc, their spinal cord or spinal nerves will endure more pressure causing pain in the neck.
- Cervical foraminal stenosis
Cervical foraminal stenosis can be caused due to lasting pain in the neck. This is caused when changes are happening in the neck joints due to overuse or aging. This can be treated if proper medications are given on time, along with the right exercises.
- Cervical disc degenerative
Cervical disc degenerative can be caused due to stiffness in the neck or lasting neck pain. The flexibility and strength are affected of the vertebral discs which help in shock absorption, as the disc dries out due to age causing the disc to degenerate. One of the main symptoms is the pain caused in the lower part of the neck. The pain could get worst when the neck is in a certain position or while undertaking an activity.
- Neck arthritis
Neck arthritis is caused mostly by older people. Severe pain is caused due to the degeneration of the cartilage of the facet joints. This can be treated with proper exercise and therapy to reduce the pain. The older humans get the more their back and spine lose their strength. This will result in the arthritis problem.
- Joint dysfunction
Joint dysfunction is caused when there is severe stiffness and neck pain. Postural corrections are one of the treatments that are suggested along with proper exercise to treat the pain.
- Heart attack
The neck pain can also indicate a crucial problem that is Heart blockage. The heart is unable to pump blood in an efficient way. There is a cut-off oxygen supply to such places near the heart life the left arm, the neck, and the chest. They might get a feeling of nausea or even like they are suffering from gastric pain. The only advice, in this case, is to visit the nearest cardiologist right away.
The Treatment And The Cure
The stiffness and the pain in the neck should never be neglected. There are some issues that have a proper cure. But certain neck problems are incurable. Yet there is a good chance to keep the pain in check. The diet and daily life matter a lot in this case. The patient must include physical exercise as well to keep themselves fit and healthy. Regular consultation and check-ups will help a lot.
People should not ignore minor neck pain and should always consult a doctor. Pain in the neck could be caused due to many reasons but it needs to be treated on time. Inflammation could take place when the pain isn’t treated on time. Surgical procedures such as discectomy and fusion are performed when there is severe pain. Pain shouldn’t be ignored and people should consult a professional who can provide good treatment.