Wednesday, February 12, 2014

3 Best Effective Ways of Window Cleaning

Window cleaning is something which one might ignore. However it is a rather essential and vital activity which one needs to undertake. Washing windows is a cumbersome and time-consuming task. You might always wonder how professionals get the job done so neatly. This is because they have the right window cleaning secrets. By selecting the appropriate tools and techniques, an individual can complete the task more quickly and attain the desired results.
Method 1: Cleaning the outside of windows
  • Collect all the tools that you will require. Ensure that all the necessary items are around you so that you don’t end up in a bad cleaning day.
  • Remove sliding windows. Majority of windows installed in high rise buildings can be detached simply by lifting the sliding section. The task of removing the sliding windows is easier than cleaning the exterior surfaces of high-rise otherwise.
  • Take a bucket of warm water and mix a small amount of detergent. Any detergent of your choice may be used for this work.
  • Windscreens hanging around the windows should be removed. If you forget to clean the screens, dust from the next rainstorm will clog on to your windows. The stale smell from the window screen will also be eliminated when you remove the windscreens. Just lift them out of the tracks and put them under running water. Take a rag and gently rub it.
  • Pick up an old broom or cloth and clean up the cobwebs.
  • Thoroughly clean the window frames with a soaked sponge.
  • Soak the sponge in the detergent water and start your window cleaning task. Beginning with the upper left side, draw an S-shape till you reach the bottom right of the window. After every stroke, make sure you dry the area with a squeegee or dry rag so that there are no visible lines on the window pane.
  • Use a paper towel to soak the remaining water of the window frames.
Method 2: Cleaning the inside of windows
The cleaning process is similar to that of cleaning the outside windows. However, remember to place a cloth on the floor before beginning the process. This will ensure that you do not have to clean the floor after you have cleaned the windows.
Method 3: Alternative technique for window cleaning
  • Use warm water. The dust and dirt accumulated is better absorbed by warm water than cold water. However, if the weather is cold, hot water can crack the windows.
  • Use rubbing alcohol. Alcohol acts as an effective window cleaning product. The right type of alcohol for this work is Isopropyl. Refrain from using wine or any other alcohol containing substance. Also, do not use isopropyl by itself.
  • Get paper towels. You do not want to create lint in the process. So collect lint-free paper towels. Toilet paper will also do the job for that matter.
The process to use it is quite simple. Mix ¼ part of alcohol in the bucket of water. Let it soak for about a minute and then mix the solution well. Soak half of the toilet paper or paper towel in the bucket. Start wiping the window in straight or circular motion. Use a dry paper towel to soak the water in the same direction as you cleaned it. This will ensure that there are no visible water lines that remain. Window cleaning is a necessary task, and should be regularly taken care of since windows add an aesthetic value to your home. If your windows are not clean, enjoying the view of the surrounding area may not be fun. Apart from the methods mentioned above, there are some home remedies and products that can be used to get rid of all the dirt on your windows. Cleaning them regularly at shorter intervals will make the task easier since a lot of dust will not get accumulated. If you dust the windows with a dry cloth every week, the entire process of rubbing and cleaning windows will have to be done once in a month or even lesser depending on the type of area you live in.
If you still want to know more then visit us and know everything about window cleaning.